Interview: Ahmet Celik – Going digital with NMS

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How does NMS offer something different for the ship repair market?

NMS is an enabler web platform which is first of its kind in the industry. As a team, we are happy to be the pioneer in the market. We strongly believe, like all other industries, our business needs digitalisation at every possible processes. NMS fulfils this need by automating quotation processes for both docking and retrofitting solutions. It also includes the terms that Newport Shipping can provide as extended payment options. Also, with its strategic partner network of shipyards and equipment suppliers, it provides a unique experience for the customers.


As Product Manager how do you see NMS evolving in the future?

I see NMS as a major step through to digitalisation, there is definitely still more to go. Every single day, our team is working on how NMS could be improved and how it can support the environmental regulations more. The number of registered users on NMS increases day by day and in an amount that is beyond our expectations. With the new features we are planning to implement on NMS, we believe it will be a hub that connects all parties in our business with its innovative payment and management solutions.


How does your work experience help with NMS?

My background is Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering. This means I have spent most of the time in my career working actively in the field at the shipyard. Also, I had the opportunity to work with representatives from multiple nations. This gave me another perspective while our team was implementing the product and marketing it. I knew the pains in the industry and how NMS could eliminate those by automating most of the steps. Less time and more efficiency are the most important goals of an engineer, so with NMS we are trying to reach those with a single product. I believe my experience in the field links with NMS in terms of functionality and user friendliness because my team and I always tried to see the product from the customer perspective. 


What feature do you like best about NMS?

To tell the truth, I admire it as a whole product because it is a solution to some of the difficulties I had when I was working in the field. Quotation process is one of the most time taking processes of the pre-docking period. With this e-platform, it is possible to generate quotations from different yards and equipment suppliers very quickly. This lightens the workload for both parties and this was something my colleagues and I desired most these days. I guess this is the thing I like most about NMS.


What is NMS' latest updates that customers would need to know?

NMS is like a growing family with its members from different countries. We strongly care about the feedbacks from our customers and try to implement them as soon as possible in a logical and user-friendly way. There are two main things in our agenda today. We know we simplified the quotation process for docking, but we want it even simpler. So, we are working on standardised but editable specifications for the special surveys for different types of vessels. Also, we are looking forward to digitally integrate with our business partners and global vessel positioning systems. These will be improving NMS in terms of easier, efficient and time saving management for both our users and business partners.


What part will digitalisation, such as the NMS platform have to play in helping the industry cut emissions?

Reaching out to more people easily is a key benefit of digitalisation. With NMS, we are trying to create an industry perception for decarbonising and green future solutions. This was one of the major aims of the product even before it was launched. So, as a member of the marketing team, we are mainly focusing on promoting the related services of the product as they are accessible from the e-platform. Our engineering team is working hard to support and serve for the best green solutions to cut emissions. Last but not least, NMS helps eliminating the confusions on people’s minds about these topics. This is why, NMS is and will always be the pioneer and best supporter e-platform for the maritime industry when it comes to decarbonising.
